For our guests from the UK over half of one’s carbon footprint for a visit to the Alps comes from travel. If you have driven by yourself instead of flying you have saved 63% of total carbon emissions for a trip to the Alps. If you have driven with more than 3 people total in the car you have saved 93%!
In-resort to continue to minimise impact you can reduce, reuse, recycle
Fuel Emissions / Food miles
Use collective transport like the bus rather than driving or cycle!
Free Summer & Winter Bus
Morzine provides a free and frequent service between 8am and 7pm throughout the winter season. There is also a reduced summer timetable for the main routes from July – September.
Buy Local!
Shorten the distance between producers and you.
There are plenty of shops in town where you can buy local produce to look out for example, cheese, honey, crozets (a type of pasta). ‘ Fait d’ici’ means made here and ‘Fait en Haut Saovie’ means it is from our region.
Carrefour Market
- Carrefour in the town center (map link) has a local section at the end of the first aisle.
The Alpage
The Alpage has Morzine’s largest selection of local cheeses for sale. Some of which they make on site and you can see below the glass floor in the shop. If you speak French, the cheese making demonstration on a Wednesday will give you a whole new appreciation of cheese when you see how much work goes into it.
Farmer's Market
The market on Wednesday in Carrefour town center carpark is our favourite. There is a mix of farmer direct stalls and resellers. You can see our guide on the link below.
Visit Local Farms
Outside of market day you can are also visit the farms and buy direct from too. Be aware that often farms have opening times around farming so you may to call and check if they are open.
Les Prodains Goat Farm
The Les Prodains goat farm is located near our chalet Grand Hibou. They serve the best goat’s cheese raclette ever! You will feel a lot lighter after it compared to having a traditional raclette.
Address: (approx) 1700 Route des Ardoisières, 74110 Morzine
Les Prodains Trout Farm
A hidden gem in the Morzine valley of Les prodains is the trout farm, pisciculture des Meuniers. Conveniently located near to our chalet Grand Hibou for guests to be able to wander down the road where you can buy or even fish your own trout!
Address: 567 Route des Ardoisières, 74110 Morzine.
Montriond Goat Farm
Montriond goat farm (map link). So new that it is not even on google maps! It is a beautiful shop/barn to visit.
Address: Located opposite 1050 Route du Dravachet, Montriond
'Pick Your Own' at Les Jardins de l'Abbaye
Why not endulge in a little pick your own at the Les Jardins de l’Abbaye. Probably our second favouite farm to visit in the area ! It is so fun to see how the plants of vegetables look. Bring a bag for your produce, it is perhaps easier to point out to the gardeners what you would like and ask them to pick it for you.
Address: Rte du Rocher d’Escalade, 74430
Dairy Farm Le Ferme du Mont Caly
Located in Saint Jean d’Aulps, dairy farm le Ferme du Mont Caly is well worth the visit. We love this farm! If you go up to the col d’Encrenaz on your stay this is where the cows graze in the summer and you can see why thier cheese, milk and yoghurt taste so good!
Address: 870 Route des Grandes Alpes, Saint-Jean-d’Aulps.
Support Local Artisans
Morzine is still small enough to have a lovely communal feel to it and for local artisans to exist.
Ibex Brewery
Ibex beer is incredibly popular and is sold all around Morzine and the surrounding area. A great brew. If you love it as much as we do you can even visit the brewery and get yourself beer direct and merchandise too.
Address: 153 Rte des Grandes Alpes, 74110
The Chocolate Shop
Au Delice de Chocolat is the go-to chocolate shop in Morzine. Perhaps chocolate at the price it should be. Fun to see it being made, you will be lured in by the smell!
Address: 295 Rue. du Bourg, 74110 Morzine
The Souvenir Shop
Morzine’s pottery shop is next door to the chocolate shop. Perhaps the ultimate Morzine souvenier one-stop shop with a gift for all recipients!
Le Bec Jaune
Bec Jaune is Morzine’s micro brewery! This is where you might bump into our team or even meet some of our former team members. Good food, good beers, good ethos, good atmosphere – it has it all!
Address: Immeuble Le Schuss, 220 Rte de la Combe À Zore.
Drink tap water!
Evian is so close that you see it from most of our peaks. Evian is just rain water filtered through rocks and guess what so is our tap water. You would be crazy not to drink it.
With a little forward planning, you can seize the opportunity to reuse items during your stay as well as visit Morzine’s only second hand shop!
Montagne Verte Second Hand Shop!
Montagne verte second hand shop! 162 Rue du Bourg, 74110 Morzine Support our charity of choice. Need a t-shirt or some kit check here first. Save money and 2000 – 20,000 liters of water, yes that is how much water it takes to make a t-shirt plus all other sorts of side effects.
Refillable Water Bottles
Carry a refillable water bottle round with you and when you see a water spring that says ” L’eau potable” fill er up!
Rechargeable Lift Passes
You can either keep hold of them for your next summer or winter trip to Morzine and you can get them recharged. Alternatively, you can hand them back to our resort manager or chalet host at the end of your stay and receive a €3 refund per card and we will recycle them for you 🙂
Recycling is the last step because our global recycling system is not quite perfect yet. For example, if you put a wrong item into a massive recycling container it is called contaminating the batch and can lead to the whole batch going landfill so it is important to get it right.
You can recycle glass, paper and some plastic the symbol to look for is:

Further instructions explain that you may recycle the box but not the container:

The recycling eligibility is country-specific, so look for ‘FR’ on the package to tell you what we can recycle here in France:

N.B In France like and the rest of the world this sign does NOT mean you can recycle the item, you can read more here


- Support our and David Attenborough’s chosen charity – Cool Earth by sponsoring rainforest.
- Pack light. Utilise equipment hire here like renting bikes or buggies.
- Use e-tickets instead of printing confirmations / guides etc
- Choose some plant based meals during your stay. The Bec Jaune microbrewery has a great selection as does Satelitte coffee!
- Don’t take any of the local flora and fauna home
- Stick to the mountains paths to avoid disturbance of the local wildlife or environment
In your accommodation, you can…
Use chalet equipment efficiently
- Don’t leave the heating or towel radiators on with the window open
- Air dry clothes when you can rather than use the dryer
- Avoid filling the kettle up, just boil the amount of water that you need e.g if you only want 4 cups of tea just boil 4 cups of water
- If you need to rinse plates before they go into the dishwasher use cold water
- Learn how long it takes the oven to heat up
- Avoid leaving the fridge/freezer door open by organising the contents into like sections
- Turn off speakers / TV when not in use.
Or let us do all of this for you. Why not come and stay with us in one of our catered chalets? You can find out how we go further in our catered chalets in the links below!
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Dom & the team